Commit de180a5b by guof

Merge branch 'feature-1007488' into 'release'


See merge request !39
parents dc686e8c 7a9cb116
......@@ -484,6 +484,8 @@ inline bool GetNetworkInfoByQNetworkInterface(QString &mac, QString &subnetMask,
inline bool pingAddress(const QString &address) {
QProcess cmd;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
// Windows 指令 "ping IP -n 1 -w 超时(ms)"
QString cmdstr = QString("ping %1 -n 1 -w %2")
......@@ -494,27 +496,38 @@ inline bool pingAddress(const QString &address) {
QProcess cmd;
// 启动进程
QString res = QString::fromLocal8Bit(cmd.readAll());
qInfo() << res;
// 等待进程准备好读取
if (!cmd.waitForStarted()) {
qWarning() << "Failed to start 'ping' process for" << address;
return false;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
if (res.indexOf("TTL") == -1)
if (!res.contains("1 packets transmitted, 1 received"))
qInfo() << address << QString::fromLocal8Bit("ping不通");
// 等待进程完成
if (!cmd.waitForFinished(3000)) { // 增加超时时间
qWarning() << "Ping process timed out for" << address;
return false;
qInfo() << address << QString::fromLocal8Bit("ping通");
// 读取输出
QByteArray output = cmd.readAllStandardOutput();
QByteArray errorOutput = cmd.readAllStandardError();
int exitCode = cmd.exitCode();
qInfo() << "Ping Output for" << address << ":" << QString::fromUtf8(output);
qInfo() << "Ping Error Output for" << address << ":" << QString::fromUtf8(errorOutput);
qInfo() << "Ping Exit Code for" << address << ":" << exitCode;
// 判断 Ping 是否成功
if (exitCode == 0) {
qInfo() << address << "ping通";
return true;
} else {
qInfo() << address << "ping不通";
return false;
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